Let's Take Back Norco and bring it back to its roots
Brent is working to make Norco a better place for families, young people and seniors, while Protecting our Unique Lifestyle. It’s his intense dedication, passion, and devotion that fuels his fight for bringing Norco back to its roots. All Voices Matter, Let yours be heard! Proudly a 100% Self Funded, Grass Roots Campaign - No Donations Accepted. Learn more about the issues that Brent Sakamoto is concerned with and fighting for.

Protecting our Unique Lifestyle for Future Generations
Our Unique Lifestyle is in Danger! Rezoning Residential, Agricultural Zones into Commercial. We need strong leaders who will challenge Sacramento on Laws that infringe on our Towns Lifestyle. Not just say something is better than the alternative. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, and heavily discussed among politicians, lobbyists, and congressmen alike. Brent is for Protecting our Unique Lifestyle for future Generations.

Fight Crime
Brent Sakamoto is truly passionate about Quality of Life Issues, as it is one that impacts so many people all over Southern California. Brent Sakamoto Supports Law Enforcement and bringing back strict Laws that will make crimes have a penalty, not a slap in the wrist. Thefts, transients, and crimes are growing. A strong Law Enforcement Presence will help keep these issues from becoming a big threat to our Quiet Town.

Financial Solvency with No New Taxes or Unnecessary Rate Increases
Brent has been against raising Taxes and Unnecessary Rate Increases. This is a serious issue that impacts everyone. Rising costs are threatening our Animal Keeping Lifestyle. We need to tighten the budgets. Stop unnecessary spending. Serving on City Council I feel is a Public Service to our Town.
We need to take all puchases and service contracts out to bid on a regular basis. I know of several effective platforms that other municipalities utilize which will be very effective in saving your hard earned tax dollars.
Actively pursue available grants for projects and services.
We need to focus on bringing in more tourism to create revenue. I feel Ingalls Park is very under utilized. We need to get sponsorship to help reduce costs. Finish the Original Master Plan. Get a sponsor to create a 3rd Multipurpose Arena - Get a sponsorship contract to fund it - hold various events, such as Demolition Derbies, Motocross, Monster Truck, Concerts, etc. Start a Large Farmers, Craft, Market and Swap meet. Bring in more horse shows, bull riding, and rodeos. The opportunities are endless, with everyone's help we can make this a reality.
Bring in new unique types of Stores and Restaurants. I actively attend I.C.S.C. - International Council of Shopping Centers Conventions and have been a member for years. I have seen many unique concepts that we need to actively attract to help bring in more business and Not dilute marketshare.
Brent =

Fix Infrastructure
Brent is for fixing our roads and infrastructure.
Roads that are in serious disrepair should be prioritized for resurfacing First.
Poorly maintained roads are an issue that is costing us all money in more vehicle repairs due to poor road conditions.
Grants needs to be actively pursued that can help fix our aging roads and infrastructure.

Fair Permitting and Ordinance Enforcement for All
Brent is for Fair Permitting for All. Property owners should be able to improve their property as long as it doesn't intrude on their neighbors, their views, etc. If an exception is made for one, it should within reason and applicable law, be made for everyone else.
Fair Ordinance Enforcement
Brent has personally experienced some of the biased enforcement many have seen or heard about. By chance he happened to be driving by as a City Worker was tearing down a sign for the Free Christmas Day Dinner at the Lions Club years ago. As permission had been obtained from the property owner to osit such. After pulling over and asking the worker why, just said he was told to do such,.and also asked why another sign right next to it was still up? The worker said only the Christmas Dinner Sign was to be removed. After making some calls, Brent was later told it was in the Right of Way, he asked what about the other sign, the response was "That group has been around a lot longer than you, do you really want to go there".
That was the start of Brent's drive about bringing Fairness to All.
There has been quite a few instances that residents experienced similar biased ordinance enforcement actions.
Help be part of a change that will bring Fairness for All, with your help we can "Make the dream a reality"
"You can Design and Create, build the most Wonderful Place in the World, but it Takes People to make the dream a Reality" - What Disney

All Voices matter, Let yours Be Heard!
I feel this way, Do you? Do you feel you concerns don't matter, not being heard? One of the reasons I am running, be one that will Listen and do my best to help make Norco a Better Place for All. I will work for You!

Working For you
I volunteer in many different areas. Recently I was busy helping evacuate horses, livestock, and other animals during the Fairview Fire for days. I was askes by some, arent you worried about your campaign? My response, sometimes there are other priorities in life that arise that are more important, such as helping others. Life isn't just about politics, I am just like everyone else. I am one to go out and help with whatever is needed, even helping clean at events, as it's all about volunteering and helping make the event, project a success, not about title or position. I believe in being humble and helping in any position to get the job done. It's not just talk, walk the talk!

It's about Everyone, Together We Can All Make a Difference!
I am just like everyone of you! I am active in many ways in Town. I don't feel the need to take pictures, post about everything I do. Norco is fortunate to have many wonderful residents and businesses that would help if given the opportunity. Together We Can All make a Difference, every resident and business matters!

Brent Sakamoto has deep roots in Norco. From the 2020 shortage - helping source and providing at exact cost, toilet paper during the recent shortage, to helping Organize the Miracle on Sixth Street Free Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners, volunteering on the original Norco Valley Fair Committee, to helping during other times of need.
Brent has a background of Management roles in the Amusement Park, Hospitality and Service Industries. He believes in a "Lead by example" role and would join others in their duties to bring the best guest experience possible. While controlling operational costs, helping with purchasing, and many more duties to keep a successful operation running smooth.
Brent featured in News Articles

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